Friday, February 18, 2011

A walk in the woods

Hello ladies,

I walked through the Rancocas Nature Center today with my friend Sarada. We strolled through the sleeping meadow, among a gathering of conifers and then through the bare deciduous woods, made green only by the occasional holly tree. I love being among the evergreens this time of year. On a warm afternoon, the tree sap becomes like a perfume, heralding and resinous. I love the feeling of walking near pine and cypress trees. Time feels immobile and the earth seems devoid of seasons and changes. It is the definition of pure quiet for me.

There were the prickly seed pods of Sweet Gum trees suspended in ice along the path. Much of the snow had melted into the earth or created temporary marshlands. There were a few lengths of icy pathways that felt like walking over an aquarium containing felled twigs and leaves.
A view from a footbridge.

Evidence we were not alone. Deer tracks ran side by side boot prints on the path. I love happening upon a deer run.

The feeling of being outdoors after a stretch of winter weather is such a gift of the seasons. Have any of you ventured out in the woods recently?

Happy painting, ladies!


  1. The photo with the sign saying 'trail ends here' is deceptive. I see a trail continuing on past the sign!

    I have almost forgotten the walks in the woods from when I was a kid. Gosh, they were great any season too.

  2. Your such a good descriptive writer. I can just smell the woods and the sap. It's been a long time since I've taken a walk like that. There were woods behind my parents house. I used to walk in the woods all the time. I loved to bring a blanket and read under a tree. The forest was filled with fir trees. The fallen needles made a nice soft bed to sit on.

  3. Thanks for sharing with us! I'd have loved to be somewhere like that these days!

  4. I would love to talk a walk just like yours... but it has been raining like damn here! We can't even get out just for basic shopping :(

  5. Kimberly: The deception might be mine. The path beyond the sign continues right to a main road. I waited for trucks and cars to pass before taking the photo. ;)

    Lucy: The sights and forest aromas you recall would be similar to what I experienced. Despite being a city dweller, I love to venture out in the woods and commune with the trees and creatures.

    kittypolishnbags: I love finding a local oasis. Such a nice respite.

    Akuma Kanji: I hope the rain lifts for you soon, sweetie. xoxo.


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